Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Strawberry Cream Cheese Bread

I was on a baking kick the other day and had some strawberries I needed to use so I decided to try out a strawberry cream cheese bread recipe and OH MY WORD it was SO GOOD! It was almost giving like a strawberry danish feel and my family gobbled both loaves up super quick.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

St. Patrick's Day Touches

I put out a few little St. Patrick's Day touches around the house this past weekend - it's minimal but I LOVE getting out a few little things to make it feel like Spring.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Weekend Happies

 This weekend was EXACTLY what I needed.  Low key, sunny, and a time to catch my breath a bit after last week.  Today I'm sharing a few little things that made me extra happy this weekend. 

1) This little scene when I started unpacking my backpack from Big Bend

Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends! Erika and I are so excited that lots of y'all are linking up with us every week.  Make sure that you're grabbing our graphic, linking back to us and sharing your own Friday Favorites post ;)

I only have one FAVORITE this week and that's because Mason and I just got back (last night) from a 5-day trip to Big Bend with his STEM science class.

This trip was INCREDIBLE and such a blessing to get to cap off middle school with Mason on such a high note.  

More thoughts and FAVES next week once I'm showered, clean and more-rested than I currently am after traveling with middle schoolers and sleeping in a tent for 5 days ;)

HAPPY Friday, friends!!!

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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Peanut Butter Chocolate Rice Krispie Treats

I'm going to be really honest.  I'm not generally a big rice krispie treat fan.  They're typically super sticky and just kind of unmanageably sweet.  Griffin, on the other hand, would eat them DAILY ;) 

I saw a recipe for peanut butter chocolate rice krispie treats and decided to give them a whirl and they are a game changer... and please know that I don't use that phrase lightly because I actually hate that phrase - hahaha. They're not sticky, they cut super easily, the chocolate top is chefs kiss... they're just delish!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

What's Up Wednesday

    Today I'm linking up with  Shay and  Sheaffer to talk a little bit about what's been going on around here!

Well... Mason and I have been in Big Bend this week and have been enjoying meals cooked by 8th graders over hot coals ;) BUT before we left I made my chicken pot pie recipe but instead of making actual pot pies I served the filling over Mary B's biscuits.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Plant Tour - Part 1

This post has been a long-time coming... I can't tell you how many plant questions I get every week but it's A LOT! Today I'm going to share the plants I have in various rooms, give you details on watering and let you know what kind of sun they get.

My love of indoor plants started back in 2017 with this sweet fern that struck my fancy at a boutique downtown McKinney. It was quirky and feathery and I bought it on a total whim. I managed to keep it alive and then just kept adding plants from there.

This big fiddle leaf has been with me since we moved into this house 9 years ago....

... but it like that photo on the far left and then eventually the far right until I moved it and it pretty much died.

... so back in 2021 I chopped it...

... and this is it now! A couple of points...

- The towel is because Jelly Bean likes to dig in this giant pot

- I fully credit Happy. Happy Houseplant Plant Food with it's revival.

- It's almost touching the ceiling fan at this point, but a few branches are popping out there closer to the bottom so I think I MAY need to chop it again (maybe about 2 feet off) and then just cross my fingers it branches and stops growing straight up.

I grabbed this plant maybe last year at Lowes. It's grown a TON and like every other plant at my house seems to really like this front room.

On the bookcase I have a pothos that's growing a bit out of control and I really need to take that long vine and redirect it back into the pot. What I mean is that if I take I like to take the long vines and use bobby pins to "pin" them back into the dirt in the pot to create a fuller plant. You want to pin them at an air root or a node.

I also have a Christmas cactus, more than likely that's from Trader Joe's.

It flowers once a year - and it's obviously loving life right now because you can see that the light green is all new growth.

I have a "money plant" on the top shelf that is also thriving at the moment and on the bottom shelf there's a clipping of that same plant that I have growing in a jar of water inside that anthro pot. A section of the larger plant broke off and so I cut it clean and then just put it in water to grow roots.

These are the roots growing in water (before I changed it)... and I haven't decided whether I'll plant this one in it's own pot or just add this one to my larger plant.

These two little cuties are just random Trade Joes finds.... I don't really know what they are but again, they love this room and this light.

Sometimes TJ's will have "assorted plants" for like $6 but there's not a lot of info on them. I'm willing to risk it for $6-8 and have only been disappointed a couple of times.

Ignore all my outdoor ferns on the tarp int he background... it was below freezing her for like 3+ days in a row so this was the easiest and most effective way to keep them all alive ;)

This is another version of a pothos on the side table...

.. and when I referenced "air roots" before this is what I was talking about. As I was taking pictures for this post I noticed that a few of these vines were getting kind of long and I really like the fuller look of this pothos so I just trimmed it underneath a node and check out those "air roots" (the brown things coming out). I could have just stuck those back into the dirt and they would have taken root but because this plant is already so full i decided to stick them in water and get roots growing that way and then turn them into another plant.

This fiddle leaf in the entry way is also loving life...

and has a towel in it as well because this is Jelly's one bad habit and I haven't had time to go pick up some black burlap to put in here to cover it up.

Okay - I was going to share more but feel like this has already been a lot so I'll save the other rooms and plants for next week and probably the week after. hahaha

If you have any plant-specific questions you'd like answered drop them in the comments and I'll make sure to cover them!

HAPPY Tuesday, friends!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Spring Finds

The sun is shining here in Texas, I *think" we've had our last freeze of the year and it's about to be March which means I've been looking at all the cute Spring things and thought I'd share what I'm loving in case you're ready for a dose of all things flowery and Eastery and Springy ;)

I adore this cute bunny bowl and think it would be SO CUTE on a coffee table with some Reese's eggs ;)

These darling napkins couldn't be sweeter...

I LOVE bunnies for Spring and this wood-look bunny is right up my alley.

I LOVE this this floral bandana to add some Spring to a cooler weather sweater or with a chambray shirt or dress.  The floral is SO PRETTY!

Isn't it so pretty?!?!?!

Lord knows I don't need another water bottle but LOOK AT THIS OWALA!!!  It may land in G's Easter basket if I don't talk myself out of it soon. hahaha

I ordered this set of wooden eggs and can't wait to get them in and share with y'all what I think.

I LOVE all things block-print and this cotton scalloped table runner ticks all my boxes.

I've been LOVING handmade mugs and this one is ticking all my Spring boxes.  I LOVE tulips (they remind me of my Oma and Opa) and this one may need to land in my Easter basket ;)

... and these block print napkins would be SO SWEET for Easter but not so "Easter" that you couldn't use them all Summer.

I'm not normally a table cloth girly but this matching tablecloth is suck a great price and I ordered it to see if I wanted to mix things up for my Easter table this year.

Last, but not least I adore these little carrot glasses.  They're smaller than the Anthro version but I do love that they're clear glass and not the "confetti" look that the Spring Anthro version has. 

Okay, now it's time to get outside and plant some flowers, am I right?!?! :) 

HAPPY Monday, friends!

Friday, February 21, 2025

Friday Favorites

 Happy Friday, friends! Erika and I are so excited that lots of y'all are linking up with us every week.  Make sure that you're grabbing our graphic, linking back to us and sharing your own Friday Favorites post ;)

I forgot to share this last week but Luke stopped by the grocery store last week to grab my favorite cake and some flowers for my birthday/Valentine's day.  IS THAT NOT THE SWEETEST?!?!?!  FAVORITE!!!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Pastina Soup

 Back in the Fall I saw a TON of IG reels talking about "Italian penicillin" aka Pastina Soup and decided immediately it was a must try.  I looked at a bunch of different recipes and ended up just kind of winging it yesterday and it was SO GOOD!  This is more of a general process vs a hard and fast recipe but if you want something hot, comforting, simple and DELISH give this a try!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Valentine's Dinner 2025

We had our annual family Valentine's Dinner on Friday and it was super sweet.  I'm bummed that it was dark by the time we ate and my pictures aren't great (hello, older kids!) but it was still a great time. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Weekend Recap


I just had THE BEST weekend, y'all! Not only was it three days long... but I had pretty much NOTHING on my calendar.  After several weeks of track travel and other obligations I can't begin to tell you how needed this little reprieve was.  

I started (and finished!) a puzzle....


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